Amacher & Associates is a full-service architecture firm with over 25 years of experience in green building design, techniques & materials. That includes zero energy design, sustainable development, renovation of historic buildings, community planning & commercial design for both contemporary & traditional buildings or districts. We also design new homes, renovations & additions.
Our clients are individuals and families, developers and community groups. Many of our clients are referrals or repeat clients. To address all our clients’ needs, we work in a collaborative process with our clients and our team of experienced consultants.
Your new environment will be innovative, economical, resource efficient, attractive, and functional for healthy living in your home & your work communities. We emphasize energy and resource efficiency by reducing, reusing and recycling materials and optimizing energy needs.
For More Information, please click above on tabs PROJECTS, PROFILE, PROCESS
CONTACT US AT 617-233 9588 or at fran@amacher-associates.net
We can consult with on-line services
237 Mount Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA